Heritage Month Book Group: Temple Folk by Aaliya Bilal — the author will Zoom in!
• Meet at the library or on Zoom: Tuesday Feb. 11: 6:00 pm doors open; 6:30 author zooms in
• Scroll down to RVSP
In Temple Folk, Black Muslims contemplate the convictions of their race, religion, economics, politics, and sexuality in America. The ten stories in this collection contribute to the bounty of diverse narratives about Black life by intimately portraying the experiences of a community that resists the mainstream culture to which they are expected to accept and aspire to while functioning within the country in which they are born.
We are thrilled to have author Aaliya Bilal join us over zoom. Aaliya will join us at 6:30 pm. Please arrive as early as 6 pm if you’d like to chat with other readers before the author joins us.
Book Club Copies
For this and all Book Clubs: Stop by or call to find out if we have any reserved copies available. You can also request a hold via search.midhudsonlibraries.org.
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