We’re open again on Tuesday from 9am to 7pm

Support Us

How much does the Library Benefit You?


The library is always seeking financial donations to help us provide the best possible service to the community. You can donate with PayPal or a credit card by clicking the button below or by mailing a check. Checks should be made payable to the Germantown Library and can be dropped off or mailed to the Library. Our address is: 31 Palatine Park Road, Germantown, NY 12526.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are welcome! Email committees@germantownlibrary.org for more information or to join one of the following committees.

  • Budget + Finance
    • Meets a minimum of once/year (early fall) to plan budget for the next year
    • May also meet early in the year if a 414 increase is being considered for that year; this may be a separate, special committee
  • Buildings + Grounds
    • Meets as needed; at least once per year, including a walk around the grounds and through the building to identify any issues
  • Communications + Engagement
    • Meets with the Program/Makerspace committee; includes (but not limited to) developing content for monthly newsletter, social media, and website; community outreach planning
  • Grant Writing + Fundraising
    • Meets as needed; special committees may be created for larger fundraising projects
  • Policies + By-Laws
    • Meets as needed to develop new policies, review current polices, or address by-law changes
  • Programming + Makerspace
    • Meets quarterly; led by the Program Coordinator, this is a forum for reviewing and planning events, including regular programming, makerspace, and story time. Special committees may be spun off for larger events, such as the 5K.
  • Technology
    • Meets as needed; handles library hardware/software maintenance; website development/maintenance; technology plan updates